Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Yarn Along


I finished my dusty rose kimono sweater. It fits perfectly! I like the color and the pattern.

I hope I will have several happy years of  wearing it.

 I start new project- simple knitting dawn raglan sweater. I am planning to knit it a bit roomy, so I can fit long sleeves shirt under it. I am using Liberty Wool yarn. Just love this color!


I finished reading The Flanders Panel by Arturo Perez-Reverte. Another present from my oldest son. (Thank you D.) For  Chess and Art lovers this is the perfect mystery with intrigue, logic and  characters so real, that you feel you known them for years.


Have a happy knitting and reading!


  1. Love the kimono sweater! It looks great! (Found you from the yarn along!)


  2. Thank you so much for good words!
