Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Blues.

The Spring is in full bloom. All trees are white or pink. Tulips on my front yard are blooming. Lizards are here.

Me and Cody were a little sad today. What do you do when that happened?

I usually do not do many planned activities and just let my mind wonder. Today I look at my summer dresses and t-shirts (some old , some new) and  thought that if I was some kind of crazy lady I would decorate them with some kind embroidery to make them more cheerful.

Let me be clear, I do not know how to do cross-stitching or embroidery. I thought to myself: " What the worst thing can happened? I can ruin my 4.58 dollars t-shirt or my old dress? Who cares?"


  So I pull out my daughter's embroidery bag and start creating. I watched "Murder she wrote", Cody chewed his bone and we were both happy.


Here are results of my experiment and I am quite happy about it. This is not professional job by any means, but I like it, so here we go.


                                                           Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Мне очень понравилась вышивка. Очень миленько получается. А еще я очень хочу весну. У нас снег лежит и периодически идет. Зиме конца-края не видно.
