Saturday, June 1, 2013


My husband bought me this mug today. Yes, I should keep calm, because gardening in desert can drive you crazy. Hot, strong  wind with sand, burning sun and water limitations are reality.

My sister ask me about my garden( and pictures, please)

So, here we go...

                                                                  My Cherry tomatoes.

                                                          Yellow tomatoes.

                                                             Everything is blooming.


                                                                         Vegetable bed

                                         Chard after birds attack.( I forgot to close the door)

                                                                Container cucumbers


                                      My wonderful husband made me special container for cucumbers.

                                           It even has water drain, which goes directly to the bush behind it.


New seedlings of Tomatoes. I forgot to plant regular tomatoes in the first bunch of seedlings( only cherry and yellow). So here we go- heirloom red tomatoes.
                                                     Keep calm and carry on gardening!


1 comment:

  1. Изумительные растения! Нам до такого еще долго(((
